Thursday, 29 September 2016


I met a lady (Jose) from Manchester today. I would describe her as exciting and engaging. She came in briefly to do some cleaning nevertheless, got everyone’s attention as she spoke about her three sons and how they have turned out to be great kids. Two are currently studying at the university (Manchester and Australia) and the first son works with a multinational abroad (Netherland). You could literally see her eyes light up as she showed us pictures of the boys and how well they are doing.…..She finally said to us (the listeners) ‘it wasn’t easy raising them boys within the community I live but I am a Christian and I brought them up in the ways of a Christian guided by the bible and that has kept them grounded’. That to me was a profound statement and it brought to mind the reality of how necessary it is to sow the right seeds in the formative years of an individual and never stop sowing because we never really stop developing, learning.

Still on this thought (influences), any wonder how kids tend to pick up stuff (I refer to words, gestures, and the likes). I recently spoke with my sister-in-law who narrated stories to me about stuff her 3 year old son (Tammy) picked up 'I know that one time because I always ended my calls with take care, God bless, he would say it when he is role playing with his toys. Also, we say the grace after prayers at home, he insists on saying the grace after every prayer no matter how short....Similarly, another nephew of mine, Joshua who is 6 years old, when he was much younger (about 3 years old) and asked ‘how you are?’ his response was always ‘I am blessed’. He picked this response from his mum who always responds in this manner. Consequently, it is helpful to say that we should never stop sowing the right seeds because it pays and at the same time, to the best of one’s ability, expose yourself to whatever has the capacity to positively channel you, people around you in the right direction.
‘Point your kids in the right direction, when they’re old they won’t be lost’. MSG
‘Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it’. NLT
Proverbs 22:6

Friday, 23 September 2016

Mum @70

Mum @70

So today happens to be my mum’s birthday and I thought to write something about her :) 

On the 23rd of September 70 years ago, a baby girl was born to a Nigerian - Cameroonian couple. I would say, she was an independent strong child, brought up in a Christian home where she developed her love for God, people and interestingly, books and archives. 

Just to have a scan through her educational background, she started high school at St Margaret College, Ilesha, obtained a Bachelor’s Degree, Library Science, B. Sc. (Hons) from the Texas Women’s University, Denton, Texas and moved on to the admired University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria where  she obtained a master’s degree in Library Science.

Her passion for library matters (books and archives) led to her being all of this and more: library assistant para-professional at the Ibadan University Library, Senior Library Assistant, Para-professional Assistant in the Library Department, College of Science and Technology, Librarian (1) Head of serials section, Senior Librarian, Principal Librarian, Deputy University Librarian, Rivers State University of Science and Technology and though retired, she still works as Librarian (contract staff) at the University.  

Her love for God has also reflected in the way she raised her children to know and submit to God, how she remains a constant support to her hubby, children and all around her, how she constantly works in love, forgiveness, and care. Amongst the many hats she wears; carrying out pastoral duties as a matter of passion and duty, she currently is Pastor in Charge of Zone in the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) PH.

Today as you turn 70, we celebrate you and declare this to you that ‘through wisdom your days will be many, and years will be added to your life’. (Proverbs 9:11).

Happy Birthday mum and have a wonderful year ahead.

#birthdayblessings  #mum@70  #family  #God’slove #blessings 

Wednesday, 21 September 2016



I recently found myself listening to discussions about purpose and on hearing a number of meaningful responses, I couldn’t help but investigate further to understand ‘purpose’. I would like to state that this post isn’t an in-depth explanation on purpose, but it essentially focuses on 3 significant components I have come to understand regarding purpose.

Some of the responses I gathered concerning purpose are; to give hope, to inspire others, to reach out to specific people in a given society, preach the gospel, make music, to serve, to be a writer, to be a teacher, to own corporations, to make money etc. I dare say, they are all true about the ‘what’ in the dialogue about purpose.

Likewise, other responses talk about the skills or knowledge acquired that can aid one in the journey to fulfilling purpose. These include having that unique voice, writing skill, the intellectual capability, the ability to work with numbers, the ability to speak eloquently, the witty mind for creativity and business, the flair for sports etc. This again, I dare say is true about purpose as it speaks about the ‘how’.

Following these responses, I decided to check the dictionary meaning of the word ‘purpose’ and have just highlighted two here:
  •         Why you do something or why something exists - Cambridge dictionary
  •     The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. – Oxford dictionary

Pondering on these definitions, I realised, as observed from the responses above that, in identifying one’s purpose in life, there is a significant emphasis on the ‘what’ and the ‘how. Even so, purpose as defined above, significantly focuses on the ‘why’. Drawing on the dictionary definition that focuses on the ‘why’, it is right to say that,

It is important to know ‘why’ we do ‘what’ we do as we develop the ‘how’ we do ‘what’ we do’.  

As a Christian (one who believes in God), it is right to say, purpose is God centred or God initiated. This is clearly emphasised in the bible (the official manual for Christians). Likewise, there are lots of narratives in the bible that talk about God working out His purpose in the lives of people. Consequently, as we submit to God, He reveals ways (hinging on the why, what and how) by which we fulfil His purpose in our lives.

#purpose #why #what #how #God #beinspired 

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Testify Sunday- Angelic Assistance

Testify Sunday - Angelic Assistance!

We all need help or some form of assistance every now and again. However, there are times situations  just seem impossible to fix. At those times, we come to terms with the fact that we need some form of supernatural help to get through.....

I put in an application a while ago and was waiting for a response. It seemed to be taking forever, but the fruit or character 'patience' came into play as I stayed calm through the period of 'waiting'. After almost two months, I received a call on a Wednesday from an uncle whose address in Manchester I had used for correspondence. He mentioned while we chatted that I had a letter and he was going to post it to me (who was at the time in Scotland). Estimating delivery, I was sure to get it at most 2 - 3 working days on standard delivery (2nd class postage) schedule.

After waiting a few days without receiving any letter from the post, I began to feel a bit of concern as I wasn't sure what the content of the letter was and if I had to respond within a time frame. I called my uncle who confirmed the date he posted the letter to me. It became more obvious that this was an unusual delay as letters normally don't take this long; and since it was a 2nd class delivery used, it was impossible to track. I did everything possible to get some form of help to track (like going to the post office to enquire, calling the post office department who handles such issues, consulting on what next to do) the letter. Seconds went to minutes, minutes to hours and hours to days. I came to terms with the fact that this situation will need some form of supernatural help; angelic assistance to locate the letter and have it delivered to my speedily. I spoke to a few people about it and asked for their prayers. The following week Wednesday, a day after
I had asked for prayers and prayed for angelic assistance to locate the letter, the letter arrived. I consider this divine assistance that came right on time because, if the letter had been delayed a day more, the timeline given to respond would have elapsed.

Have a blessed Sunday and remember, God is never late. He responds right on time when we call for help.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Thankful for Life

Testify Sunday 

So I woke up early this morning thinking. My thoughts were on the concept of life; how we wake up in the morning, go about the day (carrying out various activities) and at night, we go to bed with the intent of waking up the next morning. This 'routine' or 'practice' goes on for days, weeks, months and years. I tried to imagine how far we have come as humans on earth, how much technology has evolved, how we have been able to understand the concept of life; though still limited to our interpretation. As a result of our knowledge about life, there are evidently lots of speakings, write-ups, books, blogs, videos, etc on eating right, exercising right, getting the right degree, making money, being financially independent, having a family, dating, environmental safety, conserving the earth, best holiday locations to visit and so on....I thought to myself, these are really great things, great tips on getting the best results out of the life we have. However, I became more aware that none of these ideas actually are guidelines on how to 'get or obtain life itself'. This highlights the truth that
'life is a gift' and the true concept of life can only come from the giver of life. 

Some people might struggle with the concept of God, hence there are various beliefs on a supreme being, how the earth came into existence, how the human race emerged, how it has evolved over the years and so on. Regardless of what we choose to believe, the truth that is and will always be is 'life is a gift and the giver of life still remains GOD

'It is good to proclaim God's unfailing love in the morning and His faithfulness in the evening', 

'Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks. For we know it is made acceptable by the word of God and prayer. 

"Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honour and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created."

'For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it and did not create it a waste place, but formed it to be inhabited), "I am the LORD, and there is none else'.

With a thankful heart, I testify today that I am thankful for life, thankful most especially to the giver of life:God almighty. 

Have a blessed Day!

Reference: Psalms 92:1-2, 1 Timothy 4:4-5, Revelations 4:11, Isaiah 45:18

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Happy Birthday!

It’s another year and am super thankful and excited as I look forward to enjoying more of God’s love, mercy, grace, peace, favour and all His benefits He daily loads us with.
As a way of reflecting on life and God’s goodness today, I share a narrative on ‘the birth of star’. Some people call it autobiography, others accept it as fiction, but I can tell you it’s a mixture of both. Nonetheless, it carries the message that we are a miracle brought forth to shine, to add colour and beauty to the world. Never stop shinning, always remember, you count.

The Delivery
It was a bright beautiful morning, Tuesday the 8th of September, mum had been pretty paced about and although somewhat ready for my grand entrance into the world, it didn’t seem obvious as there was the worry of timing; is it going to be today or are we going to wait a little more? A month to this day, mum had a dream concerning a cut. She wasn’t sure if it was going to be the baby or herself. She however shared the story with dad who quickly took action, requesting that a blood match be done and reserved prior to the delivery date.
On the morning of the 8th, mum had been having contractions, they hadn’t been consistent as she was still 2-3 cm dilated. She had been to the hospital almost frequently in the last 48 hours. The hospital was just a 3 minute walk from the house. She was checked, monitored for a few hours on these days and was asked to go home and keep watch. She quickly tried to get herself ready and prepared for the day as usual, had a shower and headed down stairs for breakfast. Just after 10am, she felt pretty uncomfortable; with lots of movement and frequent contractions occurring almost simultaneously. Having gone through this birth routine four times already, she was almost certain this might just be it. The timing was perfect, dad walked in the room and she beckoned to him, I think it’s time. He quickly called the hospital to inform them of their trip to the hospital and rushed upstairs to get mum’s packed bag of things she was going to need at least for the next few hours or days. He beckons on aunty A as he heads back down stairs and they all rush off to the hospital.
At the hospital, mum was being catered for notwithstanding she had been experiencing more excruciating pains which didn’t seem like anything she had experienced at her previous deliveries. She had nurses giving her the drill; oh it’s going to be okay, you need to breathe, keep calm and the likes, a doctor will be here soon to get the baby out. This worried mum a bit but she needed to be strong for herself as well as the baby, she realised at this point that she had no other choice but to depend on prayers that all will be well. After about 5 hours of holding on to the pampering which was beginning to wane, the matron who had been coming in every now and again to make sure everything was okay, noticed some complications and felt it was a matter of emergency that I be brought out as soon as possible. She quickly headed back to the ward and was more than thrilled to bump into the doctor who was panting from the run he had to do to get to the ward.
Just as they got mum in the theatre, and began the drill for my arrival, it was like a miracle; what seemed to be needing more medical attention, ended with me coming into the world with little or no efforts from the nurses or even mum herself. Everyone in the room was as amazed, startled and joyful as could be; it’s a girl a nurse exclaimed. However, mum began to bleed profusely but as God would have it, the blood already reserved was brought and mum’s life was saved. I was all wrapped up and moved with mum into a private ward. The next morning, family members and friends trooped in and out of the ward dropping congratulatory messages and gifts for mum and I. Like a miracle brought forth I was delivered on the 8th of September and as the psalmist proclaimed,
‘For You shaped me, inside and out. You knitted me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath’.

Happy Birthday to all 8th September babies more celebrations to come. And never forget, you are a miracle brought forth to amaze your world. 

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Testify Sunday!

Every month is special
The month of September stands out among all months
The obvious reason, it is my birth month
The month God the creator took out time to release to earth His masterpiece wired for good works
Its been years counting on years and He has never stopped unravelling His wonders through this earthen vessel yet made in His image
I am assured of this truth, more of His wonders are yet to unfold because with Him as guard and guide, it only gets better and life on purpose remains pleasurable
Therefore, with a grateful heart, I thank God in advance for the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years ahead.

For the month of September, I am thankful for the following and more;
I am thankful for the day I was born
The blessings of this month
A month of divine progress
A month of harvest
A month of delivery
A Month of results
A month of peace
A month of strength
A month of Joy overflowing
A month of Abundant supply
A month of favour
And I am thankful for my fellow *Septemberites* Keep Shinning.