Thursday, 29 September 2016


I met a lady (Jose) from Manchester today. I would describe her as exciting and engaging. She came in briefly to do some cleaning nevertheless, got everyone’s attention as she spoke about her three sons and how they have turned out to be great kids. Two are currently studying at the university (Manchester and Australia) and the first son works with a multinational abroad (Netherland). You could literally see her eyes light up as she showed us pictures of the boys and how well they are doing.…..She finally said to us (the listeners) ‘it wasn’t easy raising them boys within the community I live but I am a Christian and I brought them up in the ways of a Christian guided by the bible and that has kept them grounded’. That to me was a profound statement and it brought to mind the reality of how necessary it is to sow the right seeds in the formative years of an individual and never stop sowing because we never really stop developing, learning.

Still on this thought (influences), any wonder how kids tend to pick up stuff (I refer to words, gestures, and the likes). I recently spoke with my sister-in-law who narrated stories to me about stuff her 3 year old son (Tammy) picked up 'I know that one time because I always ended my calls with take care, God bless, he would say it when he is role playing with his toys. Also, we say the grace after prayers at home, he insists on saying the grace after every prayer no matter how short....Similarly, another nephew of mine, Joshua who is 6 years old, when he was much younger (about 3 years old) and asked ‘how you are?’ his response was always ‘I am blessed’. He picked this response from his mum who always responds in this manner. Consequently, it is helpful to say that we should never stop sowing the right seeds because it pays and at the same time, to the best of one’s ability, expose yourself to whatever has the capacity to positively channel you, people around you in the right direction.
‘Point your kids in the right direction, when they’re old they won’t be lost’. MSG
‘Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it’. NLT
Proverbs 22:6

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